News and updates from the SPECTRUM consortium in 2024. 2024 Vapes four times more profitable to convenience stores than tobacco SPECTRUM researchers with partners ASH publish new analysis on the declining profitability of tobacco to smaller retailers. Faculty of Public Health, Distinguished Lecture Series SPECTRUM Director, Professor Linda Bauld presented the fourth in a series of distinguished lectures for the Faculty of Public Health on the future of public health. First study of its kind finds voucher scheme helps new mums to stay smoke-free A high street voucher scheme has been shown to be helpful in supporting new mothers, who stopped smoking during their pregnancy, to maintain abstinence from smoking in their first year postpartum. One million adults smoke menthol-flavoured cigarettes in Britain despite ban One in seven adults who smoke in Great Britain report using menthol-flavoured cigarettes despite UK legislation that aimed to curb their use, according to a new study by University College, London (UCL) and SPECTRUM researchers. Nicotine and Tobacco Current Issues: Policy and Practice Workshop SPECTRUM was delighted to host a Nicotine and Tobacco Current Issues Workshop in January, building on our previous knowledge exchange events. This 3-day event brought together a range of stakeholders to discuss current and emerging issues in nicotine and tobacco. SPECTRUM Director closes Edinburgh Science Festival at cathedral service The 2024 Edinburgh Science Festival concluded with a service at St Giles Cathedral, an historic venue dating from 1124 and that prominently featured last year in the memorial services for Queen Elizabeth II. This article was published on 2024-04-18