Our research

Find out more about the general aims of SPECTRUM and our eight integrated work packages.

The main causes of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) include consumption of unhealthy commodities such as tobacco, alcohol or foods high in fat, salt and/or sugar. These exposures are preventable, but the commodities involved are highly profitable.

Their consumption and health and social impacts are also inequitable and driven by complex systems of production, distribution and promotion dominated by transnational companies. The economic interests of such companies often conflict with health goals and their role in determining health has received insufficient attention. 

SPECTRUM will generate new evidence to inform the prevention of NCDs caused by unhealthy commodities and to transform policy and practice to encourage the adoption of healthy environments and behaviours. With a principal focus on tobacco and alcohol, our research extends to food in key studies. Approaches we develop in future could be applied to other commodities.

We are conducting research in eight integrated work packages.


An image with colourful geometric shapes and the text 'Impact case Studies'

SPECTRUM researchers have worked closely with partner organisations within the Consortium and in wider networks to inform policy and practice. Here we include six impact case studies that represent selected examples of our work

SPECTRUM Work Package 1 - Systems Science

Using systems approaches to understand determinants and address harms

Spectrum Work Package 2 logo

Understanding and addressing unhealthy commodity industry influence

Spectrum Work Package 3 logo

Developing and integrating new data sources to inform action

Spectrum Work Package 4 logo

Economic and health impact evidence synthesis to inform policy and practice decisions

Spectrum Work Package 5 logo

Shaping the local environment to change behaviour and prevent harm

Spectrum Work Package 6 logo

Evaluating the effectiveness of policies and natural experiments

Spectrum Work Package 7 logo

Disrupting the relationship between mental health, stigma and unhealthy commodities

Spectrum Work Package 8 logo

Towards governance for health equity

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Information about COVID-19 related research being undertaken by SPECTRUM and/or its researchers